Well little baby, you are still in there! One doctor told Mommy that you might be early, like Cody but by now I am thinking that you will not be. Mommy feels very big at this point, and is definitely noticing that her belly is bigger than it was with Cody. Mommy is so anxious to have you, that she thinks she is going crazy! Every little cramp I think I may be going into labor. So i just keep waiting for you.
By now I have your room set up with everything ready to go. Actually it's been set up for awhile and my bag has been packed to go to the hospital. I have cleaned everything, washed all the tiny sleepers, washed the crib and bedding and painted in your room. I painted one wall a bright green and left the others the sandy color that was already there. I have not had a chance to sew your curtains or crib skirt because I was sort of waiting to see if you are a boy or a girl. However, I did complete an afghan for your which is in your crib. It is striped cream and teal. I started it on our trip to BC in May and was able to get it down fairly quick.
I have also bought diapers, bottles etc. It is much easier to know what you need with the second baby.
Daddy is working but will be home for your due date and delivery, when it comes. Cody it say "beebee" and point to Mommy's tummy, though I don't think he really understands. It's very cute though to see him point, and rub my belly.
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