During your 26th week Daddy is home again! He is excited to see you and also because there is going to be a lot going on over the next week or so. Daddy is going to pick up your older half brother Levi. He now lives in Alberta and Daddy would like him to meet you and Cody and spend some time with us. At the same time Daddy's Uncle Mike, Uncle Don, Uncle Mark and several of the other family members from Ontario are coming to Alberta to visit. Uncle Mike and Laurie will be staying with us. They are all going to be here for a surprise 60th birthday for your grandpa Tom.
Not much has really changed with you over the last little while. Mommy thought you were getting teeth because you seem to be really chewing on everything and drooling, but no sign of them yet.
One of the challenges I am noticing with you now is keeping you occupied but sitting position. You don't really want to be on your tummy or back, and you want toys accessible to you. So I put you in this yellow laundry basket and it is working great. You are very happy in there.
Mommy also took a moment to take a picture of you and Cody in some of your new clothes from Christmas. You both look so cute!
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