At this time, Daddy is gone to work and after all the fun at Christmas he is really missing you. We actually haven't done a lot the three of us. We are in a cold snap and it has made it very difficult to go out at all. Actually we have had a nice winter so I can't really complain. But when you are stuck you are stuck! That's for sure.
We play a lot in the basement, and you still like to jump in the jumperoo. You also like to practice sitting up, though you still are not that good at it! You are floppy still and tend to go backwards, so Mommy is always on the look out.
Usually I sit and play with Cody and prop you up between my legs. That way you can be involved and play too.
Cody is at a funny stage right now because he wants to play, but then he doesn't let Mommy touch any of his toys. Also, he doesn't like to share with you yet. It is something we are working on.
One thing that Mommy really watches out for is Cody's interest in rolling you. He likes to grab your clothes and roll you over. You don't like it much because you can't seem to figure out how to get your arms in the right place. So mommy can't leave you two alone too long. I am sure this will be the story for many years to come!!
You also do not like to be on your tummy at all. Even to sleep you dislike it. Here are a few pictures, and by the expression on your face it is clear you want Mommy to pick you up!
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