We recently had a visit from Mommy's cousin Laurie. Andrew came to play with Cody and Baby Everly and you sort of played together on the floor. Well you still can't do too much, but you waved your arms a bit and smiled.
You are baby babbling much more now, making squealing noises and your laugh is getting stronger! It's so much fun to watch you squirm when we tickle you.
Mommy has been putting you under the jungle gym toy to play more and you are reaching for things and makiing noises.
Mommy has also started using the Bumbo chair with you and you are getting better at sitting in it. You look like a big marshmallow squished in there.
During this week of your life we got our first snow fall to stay. Cody was very excited and ready to jump and play. Of course you are too small, but I take you out for fresh air too and you seem to enjoy it. Soon I think I will be able to put you in the sleigh. I don't know if Cody will be willing to hang on to you though! He has his moments.
Mommy stopped to take some pictures of you during this week to mimick the ones I took of Cody at the same age. The one I have of him is one of my favorites, so I did the same for you, and now it's on the wall! You are such a beautiful baby.
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