Just before Halloween Grandma Barb and Grandpa Norm came to visit you. Unfortunately we didn't get a picture of you as a newborn with Grandma, but we got one now! I think you are her 11th grandchild, one of many boys. You are also the youngest grandchild.
During your 14th week, Daddy had to return to work. He spent a lot of time hunting, but didn't get his "big buck". Of course you are two little to partake in these adventures, but I am sure that day will come soon enough.
Mommy has felt a bit more emotional this week and has really enjoyed cuddling and holding you lately. You are so snuggly and beautiful. I love the way you look when you sleep and I love those big toothless smiles.
I know I probably will not have any more babies so I am trying to appreciate the special moments I share with you. I love that baby smell you have and I want to burn into my memory so I never forget. I never want to forget the way your soft breathing feels, or the smooth, silky feeling of your baby skin. You are so special to me, just like Cody, but each of you is your own person. I love you both the same and differently at the same time.
I am noticing you kicking your legs a lot more. You are noticing that it makes your chair rock and like to kick to make it move. You are still looking at your arms in wonderment too.
You are three months old, but already fit into 6 to 9 month baby clothing! I have no idea how much you weigh but I think you must be about 15 lbs. Your thick thighs are so kissable!