During this week, Mommy took you to the health nurse for your 4 month immunizations. You cried, but actually not very much. You are now 17 pounds and 5 ounces!! Quite a heavy little man. And Mommy can feel it. There are times when you want to be held, and honestly Mommy's arms just get so tired. Cody loves to play outside, but it's too hard for me to pack you around. So I have been trying to find other ways to take you out without you getting cold. Thankfully we have had a mild winter so far. I am really happy about that! Actually there is hardly any snow at all. And the temperatures have been anywhere from 0 to -10. Not bad at all. It's making the winter seem less daunting that's for sure.
You still enjoy laying down and playing with toys dangling above you. However, you are getting more able to reach and hold onto the toys. You are also waving your arms more. Mommy thought she would try you in the jumperoo. Sito bought this when Cody was about 5 months and he was still too small for it. But not you! At 4 months you can already touch the floor.
Mommy has shown you how to bounce in it a bit and you smile and laugh. You also are starting to try bouncing yourself. It's very funny to watch. You are quite content in there for longer stretches. Cody enjoys putting on little shows for you by dancing around, riding his toys etc.
Now that the carpet is in downstairs we spend a lot of time playing. It's great! I am no longer tripping on the toys in the kitchen and living room.
It's getting close to Christmas. Before Daddy left we took the time to set up the tree and put out a few things.