There is nothing like being a kid when your main concerns in life are what toys or get to play with, what messes you can make and just having fun. Cody you are at such a cute age where everything new fascinates you. You also pick up everything now, from words to actions to behaviours! Here are a few pictures of you smiling at the simple things in life! Your new house coat which you have decided to wear now. It is from Uncle Jared and Auntie Dana. Also, this time of year we have a lot of Bluejays flying around. Mommy put out some bird seeds so that you can watch them. You find this very interesting!
Eventhough Mommy is a grownup I still like to play with things like Crayola wax crayons, your play dough and paints. It's fun to watch you create things, and to guess what Mommy is making. Mommy isn't much of an artist though!
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