Cody ever since you were born we have labelled you as a little cowboy. We bought you a tiny cowboy hat, and 2 others since then as you have grown! Amazingly you have taken a natural liking to horses and are very curious about them. You notice them in pictures, in the fields, and are always wanting to see the ones we have by the barn.
Mommy and Daddy have bought you a pony named Missy you will get to know better over the next few years. But you seem to really like Buck our larger horse. Here you are proudly riding in the saddle. You have learned to hang on to the saddle horn already as we lead Buck around the yard. You look so small up there, but are so happy.
Mommy and Daddy also recently bought a small tractor to work around the yard with and to help with chores. You are curious about this too and are always eager to go for a ride. Here is Mommy trying it out for the first time!